20th Century Glass
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Reference : 0736

Description : A set of twelve blue over crystal liqueur or brandy glasses Val St. Lambert, Belgium c.1930

Dimensions : 6 ins £440

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0718

Description : A group of VEDAR (Vetri d'Arte) Fontana bowls enameled with cherubs Italy c.1925

Dimensions : 2.75 x 5 ins £110 each

Price Guide : A


Reference : 0710

Description : A crystal glass powder bowl with intaglio engraved flowers and heavy silver lid, Stevens & Williams, England c.1900

Dimensions : 3.25 ins.

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0709

Description : A bottle shaped crystal glass decanter engraved with cock fighting stopper and bottle both marked for TG Hawkes, New Yoyk, USA c.1920

Dimensions : 11.5 ins £220

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0707

Description : A large goblet engraved with a horse's head within a horseshoe English c.1910

Dimensions : 10 ins £135

Price Guide : A


Reference : 0703

Description : An orange and black glass powder bowl with retailers label and price 3/s, Micheal Powolny for Loetz, Bohemia c.1910

Dimensions : 5 ins wide

Price Guide : A


Reference : 0700

Description : A set of eight crystal glass champagne coupes with cut & engraved decoration English c.1910

Dimensions : 4.5 x 3.75 ins £230

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0697

Description : An engraved crystal glass art deco style powder bowl with siver lid, French 1930

Dimensions : 3.5 ins.

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0680

Description : A large glass model of a fish possibly Cenedese, Venice c.1960

Dimensions : 10.5 x 9 ins £360

Price Guide : B


Reference : 0657

Description : A pair of crystal hock glasses with (one red and one blue)overlay colours and gilt rims probably Baccarat, France c.1930

Dimensions : 7 ins £220 pair

Price Guide : B

Records 141 to 150 of 151